Reply Assistant differs Salutations and Closings in two forms:

  • The formal salutation: For example "Dear Mr. Doe" for a person which you are not very close to, e.g. a business contact.
  • The informal salutation: For example "Hello John" for a person which you are quite close to, e.g. a friend or a colleague.

Reply Assistant automatically detects how someone is greeting you and will greet the person in the same way.

You can always change the salutation form.

To change the form you have 3 options:

  1. You can change the salutation form for the email you are writing:
    In the Reply Assistant area (left or right side) in your email window click on the salutation menu and select the salutation and/or the closing you want to use.

  2. You can change the salutation form for the person you are writing to:
    In the Reply Assistant area (left or right side) in your email window click on the salutation menu and then on "Change greeting for this person".

  3. You can change the salutation in the settings:
    Click on the button "Settings" in the Group "Reply Assistant" in the Ribbon Menu of Outlook and then click on "Greetings".
    There you can select which Salutations and Closings should be used for your emails.