Breaking Changes

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Breaking Changes in DbTransfer

Version 2014.0.0.43341

Command line parameter "dataMode" renamed

The command line parameter "dataMode" of the excel connector has been renamed to "dataTypes".

So instead of "/in.dataMode:Text" use "/in.dataTypes:Text" and instead of "/out.dataMode:Text" use "/out.dataTypes:Text".

Command line parameter "nullText" removed

The command line parameter "nullText" of the excel and CSV connectors has been removed.

Instead of specifying the text to be used to represent null values with this parameter, please use the Data Format section and specify it there in the field named "NULL".

Command line parameter "replaceData" removed

The command line parameter "replaceData" of the SQL Server, MySQL, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite connectors has been removed and replaced with the new "writeMode" parameter.

Instead of using the "replaceData" parameter please now use the "writeMode" parameter.

So instead of "/out.replaceData" use "/out.writeMode:Replace".