Excel File

Loading recipients from an excel file

To load recipients from an excel file follow these steps:

  1. Click on "File".
  2. Select "Excel Sheet" in the field type.
  3. Click "Choose file..." and select an excel file.
  4. Click "Load recipients".

Structure of the Excel File

The Excel file must be structured like the following example:

The data must be contained in the first worksheet in the excel workbook.

The columns Firstname, Lastname, Gender and Field 1 to Field 20 are optional.

If you do not provide a gender, then Reply Assistant will detect the gender based on the name.

The column Gender can contain the values "Female" or "Male".

CSV File

Loading recipients from a CSV File

To load recipients from a CSV file follow these steps:

  1. Click "File".
  2. Select "CSV File" in the field type.
  3. Click "Choose file..." and select a CSV file.
  4. Enter the CSV delimiter in the field "CSV delimiter".
  5. Click "Load recipients".

Structure of the CSV file

The CSV file must be structured lke the following example:

Email;Firstname;Lastname;Name;Gender;Field 1;Field 2;Field 3;Field 4;Field 5;Field 6;Field 7;Field 8;Field 9;Field 10;Field 11;Field 12;Field 13;Field 14;Field 15;Field 16;Field 17;Field 18;Field 19;Field 20
john.doe@example.com;John;Doe;John Doe;Male;Value 1;Value 2;Value 3;Value 4;Value 5;Value 6;Value 7;Value 8;Value 9;Value 10;Value 11;Value 12;Value 13;Value 14;Value 15;Value 16;Value 17;Value 18;Value 19;Value 20
susan.doe@example.com;Susan;Doe;Susan Doe;Female;Value 1;Value 2;Value 3;Value 4;Value 5;Value 6;Value 7;Value 8;Value 9;Value 10;Value 11;Value 12;Value 13;Value 14;Value 15;Value 16;Value 17;Value 18;Value 19;Value 20

The columns Firstname, Lastname, Gender and Field 1 to Field 20 are optional.

If you do not provide a gender, then Reply Assistant will detect the gender based on the name.

The column Gender can contain the values "Female" or "Male".

XML File

Loading recipients from a XML File

To load recipients from a XML file follow these steps:

  1. Click "File".
  2. Select "XML File" in the field type.
  3. Click "Choose file..." and select a XML file.
  4. Click "Load recipients".

Structure of the XML File

The XML file must be structured like the following example:






    <Fullname>John Doe</Fullname>


    <Field1>Value 1</Field1>

    <Field2>Value 2</Field2>

    <Field3>Value 3</Field3>

    <Field4>Value 4</Field4>

    <Field5>Value 5</Field5>

    <Field6>Value 6</Field6>

    <Field7>Value 7</Field7>

    <Field8>Value 8</Field8>

    <Field9>Value 9</Field9>

    <Field10>Value 10</Field10>

    <Field11>Value 11</Field11>

    <Field12>Value 12</Field12>

    <Field13>Value 13</Field13>

    <Field14>Value 14</Field14>

    <Field15>Value 15</Field15>

    <Field16>Value 16</Field16>

    <Field17>Value 17</Field17>

    <Field18>Value 18</Field18>

    <Field19>Value 19</Field19>

    <Field20>Value 20</Field20>






    <Fullname>Susan Doe</Fullname>


    <Field1>Value 1</Field1>

    <Field2>Value 2</Field2>

    <Field3>Value 3</Field3>

    <Field4>Value 4</Field4>

    <Field5>Value 5</Field5>

    <Field6>Value 6</Field6>

    <Field7>Value 7</Field7>

    <Field8>Value 8</Field8>

    <Field9>Value 9</Field9>

    <Field10>Value 10</Field10>

    <Field11>Value 11</Field11>

    <Field12>Value 12</Field12>

    <Field13>Value 13</Field13>

    <Field14>Value 14</Field14>

    <Field15>Value 15</Field15>

    <Field16>Value 16</Field16>

    <Field17>Value 17</Field17>

    <Field18>Value 18</Field18>

    <Field19>Value 19</Field19>

    <Field20>Value 20</Field20>



The nodes Firstname, Lastname, Name, Gender and Field1 to Field20 are optional.

The node Gender can contain the values "Male" and "Female".

If you do not provide a gender, then Reply Assistant will detect the gender based on the name.