Reply Assistant can search emails for you.

You can search based on these criteria:

Emails from the same sender (in the current folder or in all email folders)

Reply Assistant will find all emails that have the same sender as the currently selected email.

Simply select an email in the outlook main screen and click on "Search" and then on "Emails from same Sender" or "Emails from same Sender (in all Folders)".

This can be very useful to see what you've discussed before with a certain person.

Emails with same Subject (in the current folder or in all email folders)

Reply Assistant will find all emails that have the same subject as the currently selected email.

Simply select an email in the outlook main screen and click on "Search" and then on "Emails with same Subject" or "Emails with same Subject (in all Folders)".

This can be very useful to see what has been discussed before on a certain topic.