Quality Software made in Germany

Frequently asked Questions for Call It

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Is Call It compatible with my System / Phone / Outlook?

Call It works with all Windows operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 10, 32 and 64 Bit (Windows Server 2003 to 2012 is also supported).

All popular older Gigaset phones (SX353 ISDN, SX303 ISDN, SX255 ISDN, SX205 ISDN, 4175 ISDN, 4170 ISDN, 4075 ISDN, 4070 ISDN, 3075 ISDN, 3070 ISDN and all compatible phones) and also the newer phones DX600 A ISDN, DX800 A and DL500 A are supported.

Outlook version 2003 to 2013 is supported.

You can find a complete overview of all supported operating systems, phones and Outlook versions here.

Does Call It work with the DX600 A ISDN, DX800 A or DL500 A?

Yes. Call It is fully compatible with these phones. Please read the notes.

What is the difference between the Standard, Professional and Enterprise Edition?

The different editions of Call It do have a different set of features, allowing you to select the edition which fits your needs the best, so you'd only have to pay for what you really need. You can find a complete comparison here: Comparison of the Editions.

Can I call an contact in Outlook with Call It?

Yes. Call It allows you to quickly and easily call any contact directly in Outlook. Simply click on the respective button in the contact list or the contact window and Call It will connect you to the contact.

Can I use Call It without Outlook?

Yes. You do not need to have Outlook to in order to use Call It.

Can I configure my phone with Call It?

Yes. You can configure all settings of your phone (besides call cost settings) with Call It. Configure your answer machines, your call forwardings, your divce associations and so forth easily from your PC.

Can I manage my phone books with Call It?

Yes. You can edit all your phone books of your base device and all connected handsets and transfer contacts between your PC (for example Outlook) and your phones. (Please read the notes for the DX600 A ISDN, DX800 A and DL500 A phones.)

Can I call contacts from my CRM software with Call It?

Yes, if your CRM software supports the TAPI standard you can call your contacts with Call It (Enterprise Edition). Please ask the manufacturer of your CRM software if it supports the TAPI standard.

Does the TAPI driver of Call It signal incoming calls?

Yes, the Call It TAPI driver will signal all incoming calls, allowing you to for example to let your CRM software open the contact when you receive and incoming call.

Does Call It work with my DECT-Headset?

Yes. Call It works with all DECT-Headsets which are compatible with your Gigaset phone. Mit Call It können Sie sogar Nummern wählen, während Sie mit Ihrem Headset telefonieren, um so zum Beispiel in Hotline Menüs zu navigieren.

Can I transfer calls to a handset or DECT-Headset with Call It?

Yes. Simply click on the button "Transfer call" and choose the handset/headset you wan to transfer the call to.

Can I call a phone number from any application with Call It?

Yes, calling a phone number works from almost all applications. Highlight the phone number you want to call and press a keyboard shortcut (default is the F8 key) and Call It will dial it (Professional and Enterprise Edition).

Can I switch to a higher Edition of Call It?

Yes. Here you can order an upgrade.

I have an older version of Call It. Can I switch to the newest version?

Yes. No matter how old your Call It is, here you can order an upgrade.

Can I use Call It on multiple Computers?

Yes, as long as each computer has it's own phone device connected to it (for DX600 A / DX800 A / DL500 A: As long as you have one phone in the local network for each computer). Please note that you will need separate licenses for each computer where you want to use Call It. Sharing a single phone with multiple computers is however not possible because the supported phone devices are not designed for multiuser usage.

Does Call It work with the Gigaset Data M105 or M101?

Currently Call It is not compatible with the Gigaset Data M105 or M101.

Is there a Call It available for Mac OS?

No, Call It can only be used on a Microsoft Windows PC.

Can I use Call It to send or receive a FAX from my PC?

Sending and receiving FAX from your PC is currently not supported by Call It. Using a telefax connected to the analog port of your phone is however supported.